Mysterious trigger points: the secret of painful spots on the body revealed!

Trigger Point

The "trigger point", or painful spot on the body, is often the cause of pain and restriction of movement. These points can occur anywhere on the body and are mainly caused by excessive muscle strain, poor ergonomics or repetitive movement. In this article, we'll look at what trigger points are, how they work and how they can be treated and prevented.

What are trigger points?

Trigger points are painful areas on the body that can manifest as local pain, but also as radiating pain to surrounding areas. These spots occur as a result of congestion of muscles and other tissues, often caused by poor posture or repetitive movements. Trigger points can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common in the neck, shoulders and lower back. In addition to conventional treatment by a physiotherapist or massage therapist, there are also methods of self-treating trigger points using special equipment or exercises aimed at relaxing tight muscles.

How are trigger points caused?

Trigger points are painful spots on the body that occur in the medium of muscle fibers. These points can be very painful and cause a number of problems, including limitation of mobility and reduced quality of life. But how do these trigger points actually form? One of the main factors is overloading the muscle, which can be caused by repeated wear and tear or a single impact. When overload occurs, the muscle fiber contracts and tightens, causing disruption of normal blood flow to the area. This then triggers a cascade of chemical reactions that eventually leads to a trigger point. Other factors, such as poor posture or lack of exercise, can also play a role in the formation of trigger points. Therefore, it is important to take proper care of your body and monitor muscle overload as a prevention against this uncomfortable pain.

Symptoms of trigger points

The symptoms of trigger points are very diverse and depend on many factors. Typical symptoms include pain in a particular area of the body that may be sharp, throbbing or dull. Other symptoms can include limited range of motion, flaccid muscles, muscle spasms and even headaches. Trigger points can also trigger migraines, nerve impairments and other problems. These problems can last for a long time and lead to chronic conditions if not addressed in time. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of trigger points and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Diagnosis and treatment of trigger points

Diagnosis and treatment of trigger points are important topics in pain and rehabilitation. Trigger points are painful knots or spots on a muscle fiber that can be a source of chronic pain. Diagnosis of trigger points includes a physical examination, provocative tests and exploration of the patient's history. Special methods of diagnosis using ultrasound, MRI or electromyography are also available.

Treatment for trigger points can be varied and includes manual therapy, dry needling, massage or application of pressure balloons. The choice of the appropriate method depends on the type of trigger point, its location and the intensity of the pain. In some cases, a combination of several methods may be necessary to achieve optimal results.

It is important to remember that trigger points can be a manifestation of other problems in the body. Therefore, patients should undergo a thorough diagnostic examination to determine the exact source of their pain. Proper diagnosis is the key to successful treatment of trigger points, which can improve patients' quality of life and help them return to their normal daily routine.

How to avoid trigger points

Trigger points are painful areas on the body that can be caused by various factors such as muscle tension, improper positioning at work or sports, poor posture and more. For many people, trigger points cause great discomfort and limit their daily activities. However, there are several ways to avoid them.

The first step to preventing trigger points is proper posture. Being well positioned and maintaining proper posture while standing and sitting can help minimize unnatural muscle tension and reduce the risk of developing trigger points.

Another key to preventing trigger points is regular muscle stretching. Muscles that are regularly stretched and relaxed are less likely to develop trigger points. However, many people often fail to take the time to stretch their muscles, which can spell trouble in the future. Therefore, it is advisable to set aside a few minutes a day to stretch your entire body.

The last step to preventing trigger points is regular physical activity. Regular exercise and physical activity help to keep the muscles in shape and improve the overall mobility of the body. This in turn reduces the chances of trigger points.

All in all, prevention of trigger points involves maintaining proper posture, stretching the muscles and regular physical activity. If you have already decided on a sporting activity, try to get advice from a trainer or physiotherapist on what technique to use to minimise the risk of trigger points.

Prevention and care of trigger points

Prevention and care of trigger points are important factors in managing painful conditions on the body. Regular physical activity, correct posture and stretching of muscles are key to prevention. However, if a trigger point does occur, attention should be paid to its adequate care. In addition to relaxation and rest, massage or application of pressure on the affected area with the hands or with the help of special tools can be done. It is important to note that trigger points can be associated with certain types of activities or job positions. Therefore, maintaining proper posture and regular stretching of the muscles is key to preventing repeated episodes of pain resulting from this condition on the body.

In summary, trigger points are painful and often overlooked areas on the body that can cause overall impairment in quality of life and limit performance. Because these points are easily localized and treatable, it is important to pay attention to them and not underestimate their impact on an individual's physical and psychological state. For proper treatment of trigger points, it is advisable to seek a specialist with sufficient knowledge and experience in this area to help find the most appropriate therapeutic measures.

Published: 25. 10. 2023

Category: health

Author: Eliška Křivánková

Tags: trigger point | painful spot on the body