Hemangioma: Latest Discoveries and Treatment Methods for Health in Medicine


What is hemangioma?

Hemangioma is a benign (benign) tumor that develops from blood vessels. It is the most common type of vascular abnormality in newborns and children. Hemangiomas can occur on different parts of the body such as the skin, muscles, liver or even internal organs. These tumors are usually small and asymptomatic at birth, but can grow rapidly during the first year of a child's life. Hemangiomas are often referred to as "aardbeienvlek" (strawberry spots) because of their appearance - they are red and protrude above the surface of the skin.

Symptoms and diagnosis of haemangioma

The symptoms of a hemangioma can vary depending on its size and location. Small hemangiomas usually cause no symptoms and are often discovered incidentally during an examination. In the case of larger hemangiomas, a variety of symptoms may occur, such as swelling, pain, bleeding, or a feeling of pressure. Diagnosis of a hemangioma is made by physical examination and imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT scan or MRI.

Treatment options for hemangioma

Treatment options for hemangioma vary depending on the size, location and condition of the patient. Smaller hemangiomas usually do not require any treatment and may resolve on their own with time. For larger and symptomatic hemangiomas, different therapeutic options are available. These include laser therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical removal and pharmacological treatment with beta-blockers. The choice of method depends on the individual case and the physician's decision. It is important to consult with a specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment approach for each patient.

Complications associated with haemangioma

Complications associated with hemangioma can occur depending on the size, location and growth rate of the tumor. The most common complications include bleeding from the hemangioma, which can be painful and require medical intervention. Another possible complication is ulceration, where an open wound forms on the surface of the hemangioma, which can be prone to infection. Hemangiomas located near important organs or structures can cause problems with their function. Rarely, cosmetic problems such as facial deformity or visibility of the hemangioma on visible parts of the body may also occur. It is important to monitor any changes in the hemangioma and consult a specialist for appropriate treatment and prevention of complications.

Prevention and care of hemangioma

Prevention and care of hemangioma is important to minimize the risk of developing this lesion. While the exact cause of hemangioma is unknown, there are several measures that can help reduce its occurrence. One is avoiding excessive sun exposure, which can increase the risk of hemangioma. It is also important to monitor the skin regularly and consult a doctor immediately if any suspicious changes occur. Caring for an existing hemangioma includes monitoring its size and condition to minimize potential complications. In some cases, therapeutic methods may be indicated to reduce the size or remove the hemangioma.

Hemangioma in children: how to manage it

Hemangioma in children is a common condition that appears during the first few months of life. Parents are often concerned about the appearance and possible complications. It is important to note that most hemangiomas are self-resorbing and require no treatment. However, if the hemangioma is large or located in sensitive areas such as the face or genitals, treatment may be necessary. There are various methods of treatment, including laser therapy, corticosteroid injections or surgical removal. It is important to consult with a specialist to determine the most appropriate approach for treating your child's hemangioma.

Hemangioma in adults: what's different?

Hemangioma in adults is different from hemangioma in children. In adults, hemangioma is rare and often appears on different parts of the body, such as the liver, bones, or skin. It is also associated with a greater risk of complications such as bleeding or organ dysfunction. Treatment for hemangioma in adults includes surgery, laser therapy or embolization. Regular monitoring and consultation with a specialist is important to prevent potential problems associated with this disease.

Hemangioma and pregnancy: what you should know

During pregnancy, hemangioma can become a particularly important topic. It is important to remember that most hemangiomas cause no problems for either the mother or the fetus. However, there are cases where the complications associated with a hemangioma can be serious.

If you have been diagnosed with a hemangioma and are pregnant, it is important to inform your doctor. You will likely need regular check-ups and monitoring of the condition of the hemangioma during pregnancy.

It is not known exactly what causes a hemangioma to develop in a fetus. However, there are some factors that could play a role, such as genetics or hormonal changes during pregnancy.

In some cases, the rapid growth of a hemangioma can be a source of concern. It can lead to pressure on surrounding organs or even blood circulation disorders. In such situations, other treatments such as laser therapy or drug therapy may be necessary.

It is important to remember that each case of hemangioma in a pregnant woman is unique. Therefore, it is essential to consult your physician and work with him or her to decide on the appropriate course of treatment.

Most hemangiomas shrink or disappear on their own after delivery. However, in some cases they can leave permanent scarring or pigmentation. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the hemangioma after delivery and inform the doctor of any changes.

Remember that your health and the health of your baby come first. If you have any concerns or questions about hemangioma during pregnancy, contact your doctor for further information and advice.

Hemangioma and its impact on quality of life

Hemangioma can have a significant impact on the quality of life of affected individuals. The size and location of a hemangioma can affect the aesthetic appearance and self-esteem of the patient. Some people feel insecure due to the visibility of the hemangioma, which can lead to psychological discomfort and social isolation.

However, if a hemangioma is located on sensitive areas of the body, such as the cheeks or genitals, it can cause physical discomfort when moving around or performing normal activities. Hemangiomas can also be painful, especially if they grow rapidly or are located near nerve endings.

In addition, hemangioma can also affect psychosocial aspects of the lives of affected individuals. Many people with hemangioma undergo long-term treatment that includes surgery, laser therapy or drug therapy. These treatments can be challenging and require time and financial resources.

The effects of hemangioma on daily life can be varied and individual. It is important that patients have access to supportive resources and information to help them better understand their condition and find ways to cope. Society should also create an environment that embraces diversity and reduces stigma for people with haemangioma.

There is currently a lot of research going on into new treatments for haemangioma. Studies are focusing on the use of new drugs or combinations of different therapeutic approaches. These advances have the potential to improve prognosis and reduce the negative impact of hemangioma on the quality of life of affected individuals.

Current research and new developments in the treatment of haemangioma

Current research and innovations in the treatment of hemangioma continue to bring advances in medicine. One of the innovations is the use of laser therapy, which has proven to be an effective method for removing hemangiomas. Other research focuses on treatment options using beta-blockers, which reduce blood vessel growth and hemangioma size. New drugs and therapeutic approaches that could be an alternative to surgical removal of hemangiomas are also currently being investigated. These discoveries and innovations promise a better prognosis and improved quality of life for hemangioma patients.

Published: 31. 12. 2023

Category: medicine

Author: Eliška Křivánková

Tags: hemangioma | Health