Aroha: Exercise for body and mind that boosts health


What is aroha?

Aroha is a modern form of exercise that combines elements of dance, yoga and martial arts. This exercise originated in New Zealand and is inspired by the traditional dances of the Maori people. Aroha focuses on strengthening the body, improving flexibility and coordination of movements. This way you can not only improve physically, but also relax the mind and achieve mental balance. Aroha is suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

What are the basic principles of aroha?

The basic principles of aroha are smooth and harmonious movements that are performed with rhythmic music. Aroha exercises combine elements from dance, yoga and traditional Maori exercises. Proper breathing is also an important element, which helps to release tension in the body and improve concentration. Aroha emphasizes harmony between body and mind, which contributes to overall health and well-being.

What are the physical benefits of practicing aroha?

The physical benefits of aroha practice are multifaceted. The movement sequences of aroha include dynamic muscle strengthening, stretching the body and improving flexibility. Aroha exercise also promotes correct posture and coordination of movements. The combination of cardiovascular exercise and relaxation increases fitness and reduces stress and tension levels in the body. Aroha also contributes to improved digestion, metabolism and a general sense of vitality. By practicing aroha regularly, you can achieve better physical fitness, strength and endurance.

What are the psychological benefits of aroha exercise?

Exercising aroha has many psychological benefits. It helps to relieve stress and tension, improves mood and increases self-confidence. Through a combination of movement, breath and music, a state of relaxation and harmony is achieved. Aroha also promotes positive thinking, improves concentration and memory. Regular practice of aroha can help overcome anxiety, depression or sleep disorders. It is a great way to take time for yourself and boost your mental well-being.

Who should practice aroha?

Aroha is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. It is ideal for those who want to improve their mobility, coordination and strength. Aroha exercise is also suitable for people who want to get rid of stress and tension and seek relaxation and harmony of body and mind. Aroha is also recommended for rehabilitation after injury or surgery. Regardless of your age or physical condition, you can start practicing aroha and enjoy its positive effects on your health.

How to start practicing aroha?

If you want to start practicing aroha, the best thing to do is to find an instructor who can show you the proper technique and procedures. There are also many online videos and tutorials that can help you get familiar with the basics. It is recommended to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of the exercises. It is important to listen to your body and not get into pain. Remember that aroha practice should be enjoyable and relaxing.

What are the best aroha exercises for beginners?

For beginners, it is ideal to start with simple exercises that help warm up the body and improve flexibility. Some of the best exercises include the "hip sway", which involves standing on the tips of the toes and moving the hips from side to side. Another good exercise is the "shoulder rotation", in which the shoulders are rotated back and forth. It is also important to practice proper breathing technique and release tension in the body. Gradually, more challenging exercises can be added and work on strengthening the muscles of the whole body. It is important to listen to your body and work according to your abilities.

How to progress in aroha practice and reach an advanced level?

Progressing in aroha practice and reaching the advanced level requires regular practice and patience. After mastering the basic exercises, it is advisable to gradually add more complex movements and combinations. It is also important to strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility and body coordination. It is recommended to attend advanced classes where instructors can provide individual advice and help with technique. By practicing and challenging yourself regularly, you can gradually expand your arosis skills and reach an advanced level.

What are some tips for proper aroha technique?

When practicing aroha, it is important to follow proper technique to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk of injury. Here are some tips for proper aroha exercise technique:

1. Correct posture: Hold yourself upright with your abdominal muscles engaged and shoulders relaxed. Make sure your pelvis is aligned with your feet.

2. Breath Control: During the exercise, be aware of your breath and synchronize it with your movements. Your breathing should be deep and rhythmic.

3. Aroha is about fluidity and harmony of movements. Try to perform the movements as simply and naturally as possible.

4. Correct execution of exercises.

5. Listening to your body: Listen to your body and respect its limits during the exercise. Do not overexert yourself or perform painful movements.

6. Start with easier exercises and gradually increase the difficulty. Make sure you have mastered the basic techniques before moving to an advanced level.

7. Aroha is about connecting the body and mind through movement. Enjoy the exercises and let the music and energy take you away.

By following proper technique, you can get maximum results from aroha exercises and minimize the risk of injury.

What is the relationship between aroha and yoga?

Aroha and yoga are both exercises that connect the body and mind. Aroha, however, is more focused on the physical side, while yoga focuses on breathing and meditation. Yet both systems have common elements such as working with the breath, strengthening muscles and improving flexibility. Some people combine the practice of aroha with the practice of yoga for maximum benefit to their health and well-being.

What are the most common mistakes when practicing aroha and how to avoid them


There are some common mistakes that can occur when practicing aroha. One of them is insufficient engagement of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which reduces stability and proper technique of the movements. Another mistake is too much tension in the shoulders and neck, which leads to an unnatural posture. It is also important to avoid excessive arching of the back or, on the contrary, excessive arching. Insufficient breathing during exercise can also be a mistake, which restricts the flow of energy and reduces the effectiveness of movements. In order to avoid them, it is recommended to follow the instructor's instructions carefully, work on strengthening the central muscle groups and pay attention to the correct technique of performing individual exercises.

What are the best sources of information on arosis and where to find exercise classes?

The best sources of information on arosis are websites, books and instructional videos. There are many aroha-specific websites on the Internet that provide detailed information about the exercise. Books on arosis can give you a deeper understanding of the principles and techniques of the exercise. If you prefer personal instruction, you can sign up for exercise classes and workshops

What are the experiences of people who practice aroha?

The experiences of people who practice aroha are generally very positive. Many report improvements in physical fitness, strength and body flexibility. Practicing aroha also helps to reduce stress and tension, improve sleep and overall well-being. People report feeling more balanced and calm after practicing aroha. In addition, strong communities of people often form when they practice aroha together, which brings additional support and motivation. Overall, the experience of practicing aroha is very inspiring and encouraging.

What are other alternatives to exercise for the body and mind?

There are many other alternative exercises for the body and mind that you can try. Some of the most popular are yoga, pilates, tai chi or meditation. Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical exercise with breathing and meditation. Pilates focuses on strengthening deep muscles and improving flexibility. Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that combines flowing movements with meditation and breath. Meditation is a technique aimed at calming the mind and achieving a state of peace and focus. Try these alternatives and find the one that works best for you to strengthen your body and mind.

Exercising aroha is a great option for strengthening your health. The combination of physical and mental benefits it offers is unique. Aroha helps to improve fitness, strengthen muscles and increase body flexibility. It also brings calmness to the mind, reduces stress and promotes relaxation. Regardless of your age or physical condition, you can start practicing aroha and enjoy the benefits it will bring you. Try aroha and discover a new way to care for your body and mind!

Published: 25. 11. 2023

Category: health

Author: Veronika Gregorová

Tags: aroha | exercises for body and mind