Painful purulent tonsillitis: how to get rid of it and relieve the throat

Purulent Angina

Purulent tonsillitis, also known as acute tonsillitis, is an inflammatory process affecting the pharynx and tonsils. This disease is often caused by a bacterial infection and can be very painful. Symptoms include fever, sore throat, swelling of the tonsils and the presence of white patches on their surface. In this article, we will cover the main topic - how to recognize and treat purulent tonsillitis - to help people manage this unpleasant disease as quickly as possible.

Definition of purulent tonsillitis

Purulent tonsillitis is an inflammatory disease of the pharynx that is characterized by the presence of pus on the tonsils and at the sites of the pharynx. This disease is caused by infection with bacteria and can manifest itself with sore throat, high temperature and a general feeling of illness. However, the main symptom is white patches on the tonsils, which are formed by large amounts of bacteria and their waste products. An unhealthy diet, lowered immunity or poor hygiene are factors that can contribute to the development of this disease. In case of suspected purulent tonsillitis, the patient should seek medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment of the disease with antibiotics or other methods.

Causes of purulent angina

Purulent tonsillitis is an inflammation of the throat that is often accompanied by severe pain, fever and difficulty swallowing. The cause of this disease is usually bacteria, such as streptococci, which affect the throat and tonsils. These bacteria are spread through the air or by contact with infected people and can be transmitted, for example, by sneezing or coughing. Other factors that can increase the risk of developing strep throat include lowered immunity, stress or poor oral hygiene. It is important to take this health problem seriously and seek appropriate medical care in order to prevent complications and recover quickly.

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis

The symptoms of purulent tonsillitis can be very uncomfortable and painful. The main symptoms include severe pain when swallowing, enlarged and inflamed tonsils, redness of the throat, high body temperature and fatigue. Some patients may also experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea or difficulty breathing. If you experience these symptoms, it is advisable to see a doctor and undergo adequate treatment with antibiotics. Inadequate treatment can lead to serious complications such as abscesses or inflammation of the heart. Therefore, this disease should not be underestimated or ignored.

Diagnosis of suppurative angina

Purulent tonsillitis is an inflammatory throat disease that manifests itself mainly with severe sore throat and fever. The diagnosis of purulent tonsillitis is made on the basis of symptoms such as redness and swelling of the tonsils, prominent white or yellow patches on the tonsils or in the throat, or swollen nodules under the chin. In addition, it can be diagnosed with a blood test to detect bacterial infection. In diagnosis, great emphasis is placed on the correct choice of antibacterial treatment, which is usually done with antibiotics. It is important to note that untreated purulent tonsillitis can lead to serious complications such as ear or nasopharyngitis. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is a key part of the management of this condition.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis

Purulent tonsillitis is an inflammatory throat disease that can be very uncomfortable and painful. One possible treatment for this disease is the administration of antibiotics, such as penicillin or macrolide antibiotics. Antibiotics help to suppress the growth of the bacterial infection that causes purulent inflammation in the throat. In addition, it is recommended to maintain adequate fluid intake and follow a resting regimen. Painkillers and fever reducers may also be useful for intense sore throats. It is important to diagnose the disease as early as possible and treat it properly to avoid further complications and resolve the disease as soon as possible.

1. Antibiotic treatment

Antibiotic treatment is an important part of the therapy for purulent tonsillitis. This inflammation of the throat is caused by a bacterial infection, and therefore antibiotics are an effective means of fighting this disease. When properly diagnosed and treated with antibiotics, symptoms such as sore throat, fever and feeling of malaise are usually relieved within a few days. However, it is important to follow a strict regimen of antibiotics and not to discontinue treatment earlier than prescribed by the doctor. This will help minimize the risk of recurrence, i.e. getting angina again in the future.

2. Medicines to relieve symptoms

If you suffer from strep throat, you can relieve your symptoms with medication. These medications are often available without a prescription and can be purchased at pharmacies. Some of the most commonly recommended ones include throat disinfectant sprays, which help reduce inflammation and eliminate soreness. In addition, lozenges, tablets and syrups containing anaesthetics and analgesics are also available to effectively relieve sore throats. If the patient has a higher temperature, painkillers with anti-inflammatory effect such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can also be used. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist about the correct dose and method of taking these medicines.

3. Precautions for faster healing


Purulent strep throat can be a very painful health problem that requires several measures to heal faster. The first important step is to follow antibiotic treatment under the supervision of a doctor to prevent further spread of infection. It is also important to rinse your mouth and throat regularly with warm salt water or an antiseptic solution, which will help remove bacteria and relieve pain. In addition, it is advisable to keep calm and avoid physical activity so that the body can fully concentrate its energies on fighting the infection. The following measure for faster healing is pain and fever medication, which will help reduce the discomfort associated with purulent tonsillitis and allow the patient to feel better. Following these precautions can help speed up the healing process and minimize any complications associated with the disease.

Prevention of purulent angina

Preventing purulent angina involves a few simple steps that can help minimize the risk of developing this unpleasant disease. One of the most important precautions is regular hand washing and avoiding contact with infected people. It is also important to keep the body's immunity in good condition by eating a healthy diet, getting enough rest and exercising. In addition, it is advisable to avoid stressful situations and maintain mental well-being. If one already suffers from purulent tonsillitis, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene and rinse the throat regularly with salt water. If necessary, the patient should see a doctor to be prescribed appropriate antibiotic treatment.

Complications associated with purulent tonsillitis

Complications associated with purulent tonsillitis can be very serious and affect the overall health of the patient. The most common complication is breathing problems, as swelling of the throat can reduce airflow. Another possible complication is the spread of infection to surrounding areas such as the ears or sinuses. If the infection spreads to the throat and pharynx, it can cause an abscess - a mass of pus in the tissue - that requires surgery to remove. Rarer but serious complications include rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis, which can affect heart function and kidneys. It is therefore important to treat purulent tonsillitis as early as possible and to follow the recommended treatment regimen.

In conclusion, suppurative tonsillitis is an unpleasant disease that can cause great difficulty in normal functioning. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible in order to proceed with the appropriate treatment. However, if the recommendations are followed and sufficient rest is given, the illness should subside after a few days. It is important to remember that prevention is always better than cure, and adherence to hygiene measures can prevent the risk of infection and minimise the likelihood of further occurrence of purulent tonsillitis.


The sources that can contribute to the development of purulent tonsillitis are varied. The most common is the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes, which causes up to 80% of all angina. A person's lowered immunity, stress, poor lifestyle and poor oral hygiene are also important factors in the development of the disease. The main source of infection is patients with active infection, who transmit the bacteria through the air or by contact with surfaces infected with saliva or nasal secretions. Therefore, it is important to follow measures to reduce the risk of infection, such as regular hand washing, avoiding contact with sick persons and improving overall body health.

Published: 13. 10. 2023

Category: health

Author: Veronika Gregorová

Tags: purulent tonsillitis | sore throat