Mysterious tinnitus: What is behind this health problem?

Hearing loss is a health problem that affects many people regardless of age or gender. This symptomatology manifests itself as an unnatural perception of sounds, murmurs or humming, without there actually being sources of these sounds in the environment. The worst part of this problem is that many people experience it and don't even realize it. Tinnitus can be transient, but it can also be permanent, and in addition to the annoyance, it can be associated with a number of other problems such as insomnia, anxiety and depression. In this article, we will look at the possible causes of tinnitus and how they can be avoided or addressed.

Definition of tinnitus

Hearing tinnitus, also known as tinnitus, is a medical condition characterized by the auditory perception of sounds without the presence of an external stimulus. These sounds can vary from crackling or whistling to hissing or tapping. Tinnitus can be short-term or permanent and affects many people in different age groups. The causes of tinnitus are often linked to disorders of the auditory system, but it can also occur as a side effect of certain medications or as a result of exposure to loud noises. So much for the definition of this health problem that affects the daily lives of many people around the world.

Causes of tinnitus

The tinnitus can be caused by various reasons. One of the most common causes is noise exposure, which can damage the auditory system and lead to tinnitus. Other common causes are stress, anxiety, depressive conditions and certain medications such as aspirin and its derivatives. Tinnitus can also be caused by otitis media or respiratory infections. In some cases, serious health problems such as brain tumours or strokes can also cause tinnitus. That's why it's important to seek professional help immediately if you experience persistent tinnitus, no matter what the original cause.

1. Noise Trauma

Noise trauma is one of the serious health problems associated with excessive noise. This problem can affect any person who is exposed to loud sound waves, for example at concerts, clubs or construction sites. The main symptom of noise trauma is tinnitus, which can be very disturbing and bothersome. If this condition is not addressed in time, it can cause permanent hearing damage as well as changes in physiological functions in the body. Therefore, it is very important to take precautions and protect your hearing from excessive noise.

2. Hearing impairment


Hearing disorders are a very common health problem that affects many people. The most common hearing disorders include tinnitus or also known as "tinnitus". This condition is manifested by the continuous perception of sounds such as whistling, humming, clicking or knocking in one or both ears. Tinnitus can be caused by a number of factors such as damage to the auditory nerves, excessive noise volume, stress and anxiety and more. Hearing problems can affect not only quality of life but also communication with others, so it is important to seek professional help at any suspected hearing loss.

3. Inflammation or infection


A tinnitus can be one of the symptoms of inflammation or infection affecting the ear. There are a number of different types of infections and inflammations that can lead to similar symptoms. For example, otitis media is quite common and can be very painful. This type of inflammation often affects children and can be caused, for example, by bacteria, colds or allergies. Another possible culprit of tinnitus is ear infections (otitis externa), which occur mainly in swimmers or people who spend a lot of time in damp environments. In any case, it is important to take tinnitus seriously and seek professional help as soon as possible to avoid serious consequences and complications.

4. Side effects of medication


Side effects of medicines are often an inevitable part of the treatment of various diseases. Unfortunately, they can sometimes be unpleasant and cause other health problems, such as tinnitus. This side effect can occur with different types of medications, including antibiotics, diuretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If a patient experiences tinnitus after starting a new medication, they should consult their doctor immediately. The doctor will then decide whether to continue the medication or to choose another therapy without side effects to hearing.

Ears Tinnitus Problems

Ear tinnitus can be very uncomfortable and limiting. Some people suffer from persistent murmurs, ringing or other types of sounds that they can only hear themselves. These sounds can be the result of a variety of factors such as loud noise, head trauma or stress. Tinnitus can lead to sleep and concentration problems or even mood changes and depression. If you notice these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor and seek adequate treatment.

1. Permanent or temporary humming

A tinnitus can be permanent or temporary. Permanent tinnitus usually indicates a more serious problem, such as tinnitus, which often occurs in the elderly and people with hearing impairment. On the other hand, temporary tinnitus can be caused by exposure to loud noises, such as concerts or the use of headphones at a high level. In both cases, it is important to seek medical attention to prevent further hearing damage.

2. Sound intensity

The intensity of sound to which our ears are exposed can be one of the factors that contribute to the development of unwanted tinnitus. Most people are unaware of the amount of noise they endure on a daily basis - from vehicle traffic on the street to loud music in their headphones. If the intensity of the sound is too high and lasts for a long time, it can lead to hearing damage and tinnitus - the feeling of continuous ringing, whistling or ringing in the ears. That's why it's important to protect your ears and limit exposure to loud noises. Different types of headphones or protective equipment are available that can help minimise the risks associated with noise and prevent permanent damage to the hearing system.

3. Accompanying symptoms


In addition to tinnitus itself, other accompanying symptoms may also be present. These may vary depending on the cause of the health problem. For example, people suffering from Meniere's disease may experience dizziness, nausea and balance problems in addition to tinnitus. Another possible symptom may also be a feeling of pressure in the ear or even pain. In some cases, hearing impairment and tinnitus, which are the perception of sounds that have no external source, may also be observed. Accompanying symptoms are important for the diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus, so you should not underestimate them and seek medical help if they occur.

Diagnosis of tinnitus

A tinnitus, also known as tinnitus, is a medical condition that can negatively affect a patient's quality of life. Diagnosing tinnitus involves the use of various tests and examinations to determine the cause of the condition. The most common diagnostic methods include audiometry, which measures a patient's hearing ability, and objective tests using special equipment to evaluate the pairing of sounds between the left and right ears. A thorough examination of the patient and an analysis of their medical history are an essential part of the diagnostic process. Based on the results of the diagnosis, it is then possible to design an appropriate therapy for the treatment of tinnitus.

1. Audiological tests


Audiological tests are one of the ways to diagnose and treat tinnitus problems. These tests allow audiology professionals to assess the functionality of hearing and detect possible disorders. Examples of these tests include audiometry, which measures the ability to distinguish between different sound signals, and tympanometry, which examines the condition of the middle ear. The importance of these tests is that they can detect hidden hearing problems that could otherwise lead to serious complications. It is therefore advisable to have regular audiological tests as part of preventive hearing health care.

2. Hearing tests

Audit is a key step in the diagnosis of tinnitus. It involves several different tests and examinations to help determine the cause of this uncomfortable health problem. The most common tests include audiometry, which measures hearing ability and sensitivity threshold for different sound frequencies. In addition, tympanometry, which examines the function of the middle ear, and acoustic emissions, which assess the functioning of the outer and inner ear, are performed. These tests are valuable tools for the diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus and can help patients return to a quality of life free from interfering sounds in their hearing system.

3. Eliminating other possible causes


If a person suffers from tinnitus, it is important to rule out other possible causes that could lead to the problem. Some of these factors include excessive stress, lack of sleep or fatigue. It is also necessary to check that the person is not exposed to loud noises or working with noisy machinery. It is also worth considering medications that could have tinnitus as a side effect. If these factors are ruled out and the tinnitus persists, it is advisable to seek medical advice and undertake further investigations.

Treatment options for tinnitus

A tinnitus, also called tinnitus, is a medical condition that can be very bothersome to an individual. However, there are several treatment options that can help alleviate the symptoms and improve the quality of life of a patient with this condition. The most commonly used methods include sound-based therapy, which aims to mask the humming and relieve the tension associated with this disorder. In addition, medications are also prescribed to help reduce stress and calm the nervous system. In some cases, surgery may also be performed as a last resort to solve the problem. It is important to note, however, that each individual suffering from tinnitus should consult with a physician about the appropriate therapy for their particular situation.

1. Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes can be key to preventing and addressing health problems such as tinnitus. Improving sleep habits, limiting alcohol and smoking, avoiding noisy environments and regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of tinnitus. In addition, it is important to follow a healthy diet and good eating habits to promote overall body health. If you already suffer from tinnitus, a lifestyle change may be one step toward relieving it and improving your quality of life.

2. Stress management


Stress is a normal part of life and can be caused by a variety of factors such as work responsibilities, financial pressures or personal problems. Unfortunately, long-term stress can have a negative effect on the body and mind. One possible manifestation of stress can be tinnitus. This unpleasant sound perception can be transient or permanent and affect an individual's quality of life.

There are several effective methods to manage stress and minimize the risk of tinnitus. Regular physical activity, such as yoga or walks in the fresh air, are great ways to reduce tension and calm the mind.

Meditation, deep breathing, or aromatherapy with relaxing essential oils can be additional aids. It is also important to learn to plan your time well and to adopt some order into your daily life.

In some cases, people may need professional help to manage stress. Psychotherapy or other forms of therapeutic help can be effective in dealing with emotional and psychological problems.

In any case, it is important to take your health seriously and actively work to minimize stressful situations. If tinnitus has already appeared, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Good coagulation can reduce the likelihood of permanent consequences.

3. Medicines and preparations

There are several different medications and preparations for relief from tinnitus. Some of the most commonly used include anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. These help relieve pain and reduce swelling of the tissue in the ears, which can lead to relief from tinnitus.

Another way to relieve tinnitus is to use special devices called masking devices. These allow a constant noise or other type of tone to be generated to "mask" the hum, helping the patient to relax and concentrate on something else.

In some cases, infusions with carbamazepine or lidocaine may also be indicated, especially for those who suffer from tinnitus (otherwise known as a more persistent form of tinnitus). In all cases, however, it is important to consult with a doctor and undergo a thorough examination to adequately determine the cause of the problem and suggest the most effective treatment.

4. Therapeutic techniques


There are several therapeutic techniques that can help people suffering from tinnitus, a medical problem associated with the sensation of constant noise or ringing in the ears. One of these techniques is called masking, which involves replacing the hum with a more pleasant sound through headphones or speakers. Another option is cognitive behavioural therapies, which focus on changing attitudes and thoughts related to tinnitus and reducing stress. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can also be effective methods of relieving tinnitus symptoms. A final option is medication, which can help reduce the intensity of the tinnitus and aid in the sleep difficulties associated with the condition. In any case, the choice of therapeutic technique should be individualized and consulted with a medical professional or ear specialist.

Prevention of tinnitus

Prevention of tinnitus is key to maintaining good hearing and preventing health problems. One way to minimize the risk of tinnitus is to protect your hearing from excessive noise. Whenever in the workplace or at concerts, you should wear headphones or earmuffs that reduce noise levels. It is also important to take regular breaks from noise and avoid crowded areas. Other factors that can contribute to tinnitus include smoking, listening to music at high volume levels, and otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). Adjusting these factors can help minimize the risk of tinnitus and maintain good hearing quality throughout life.

1. Hearing protection

Hearing protection is very important for maintaining the health of our ears. One of the many problems that can threaten our hearing organs is so-called tinnitus. This uncomfortable and often permanent condition can be caused by various factors such as noisy environments, excessive noise exposure, or aging. Because it is a serious nuisance, it is important to take adequate measures to prevent and protect your hearing, such as wearing earmuffs, reducing the volume of music or seeing a specialist regularly. Maintaining good hearing should be a priority for all of us, and we now know that prevention is the key to successfully maintaining healthy ears throughout life.

2. Limiting noise exposure

Limiting noise exposure is very important for preventing health problems such as ear drum problems, headaches or chronic tinnitus. One of the best ways to reduce the noise level in your environment is to use headphones with active noise-cancelling. These headphones can reduce the sounds around us by up to 90%, minimising the risk of hearing damage. It is also important to make sure that the headphones are used at the correct volume level and that the volume of the music or film does not need to be adjusted frequently. In addition, soundproof wallpaper or specially designed window films can be useful to reduce the level of noise entering the interior of a building. If you are in a crowded place with lots of people and noisy elements, a simple trick of thinking about your breathing and focusing on it can also help. In this way, you can noticeably reduce your perception of ambient noise and minimise its negative impact on your body.

3. Regular check-ups with a specialist


Regular check-ups with a specialist are a key step in addressing the health problem of tinnitus. Doctors can diagnose the cause of the problem and suggest appropriate treatment procedures. Regular visits to an audiologist or ENT specialist also help monitor the patient's condition and provide an early detection of any complications. In addition, specialists can offer advice and tips on how to minimize the impact of droning on the patient's quality of life. Therefore, regular check-ups with a specialist should be a matter of course for anyone suffering from tinnitus.

In conclusion, tinnitus can be a very bothersome health problem that can negatively affect the daily life of the affected person. It is important to note that this difficulty can be the result of various factors, such as noise pollution or a metabolic problem. Therefore, it is advisable to see a doctor and undergo an examination to discover the possible source of the problem. In addition, there are many methods and therapies that can help alleviate or even eliminate tinnitus. The important thing is to take care to prevent and minimize the factors that can aggravate the problem.


The sources that can contribute to tinnitus are varied. Among the most common are loud noises from the environment in which a person moves. This noise can damage hearing cells and lead to permanent hearing damage and the perception of tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Another source can be the use of certain medications, such as antibiotics or aspirin, which can lead to side effects associated with hearing loss. People who work in noisy environments, such as construction workers or flight attendants, are also at risk. In this case, safety precautions and the use of good quality hearing protection are essential. Prolonged exposure to noisy environments, such as nightclubs or concerts, can also be a source of potentially permanent tinnitus.

Published: 09. 10. 2023

Category: health

Author: Eliška Zemanová

Tags: tinnitus | health problems