Miracles of healthcare: introducing a modern hospital in Jičín

Hospital Jičín

The Jičín Hospital is an important medical facility in the Jičín district. It provides care to patients from a wide region and employs many qualified doctors, nurses and other staff. In this article, we take a closer look at the history, present and future of this hospital. We will find out what services it offers, what modernization projects it is planning, and how it is trying to adapt to the ever-changing needs of its patients.

History of Jičín Hospital

The history of the hospital in Jičín dates back to 1896, when it was founded as one of two hospitals in what was then Hradec Králové. In 1923 it became an independent hospital for the districts of Jičín and Novopack. Over the years, the hospital developed and modernized, for example, in 1981 a new pavilion of the internal ward was opened.

Nowadays, the hospital in Jičín has state-of-the-art diagnostics and modern equipment in the field of medical care. In addition to the standard departments, there are specialised departments for cardiology, gastroenterology and orthopaedics. The hospital also has close cooperation with the University Hospital Hradec Králové and other medical facilities.

Over more than a hundred years of its existence, the hospital in Jičín has built a strong reputation as an important provider of health care in the region. It treats its patients with the utmost commitment and respect for their individual needs.

Location and layout of the hospital

The hospital in Jičín is located on the south-western outskirts of the city, close to the railway station and bus station. It covers an area of more than thirty thousand square meters and consists of modern buildings equipped with the latest technology for the provision of quality medical care. Thanks to its location, it is accessible not only to the residents of Jičín, but also to the surrounding towns and villages.

Departments and services provided by the hospital

The hospital in Jičín provides a wide range of departments and services to best meet the needs of its patients. In addition to the acute admission and internal medicine departments, the hospital also offers surgery, gynaecology, obstetrics, orthopaedics, neurology and oncology. Specialist departments include cardiac surgery and a respiratory clinic. The hospital also has modern equipment such as CT and MRI diagnostics. Last but not least, other services such as rehabilitation, physiotherapy and psychotherapy are also available. Patients can thus rely on complete care under one roof.

1. Internal Department

The Internal Department is one of the key departments at Jičín Hospital. This department specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, digestive problems, respiratory disorders or metabolic disorders. In addition, this department provides care for patients with cancer and cannulated nutritional therapies. The internists who work in the internal medicine department are highly qualified professionals with many years of experience and modern medical equipment. They emphasize not only the treatment of acute conditions, but also prevention and long-term care for patients after discharge from the hospital.

2. Surgical Department

The 2nd Surgical Department is located in Jičín Hospital and offers quality and comprehensive care to patients with various surgical diseases. The department has modern facilities and highly qualified staff, which allows to perform demanding procedures and operations at a higher level.

The Surgical Department provides a wide range of services from abdominal surgery, vascular surgery and trauma to surgical oncology and plastic surgery. All procedures are performed with the utmost regard for patient comfort and safety.

As part of the 2nd. Surgical Department only professionally trained doctors and nurses work, who undergo regular retraining courses and stand for continuous education in the field. A sufficient number of medical technicians contributes to a more efficient hospitalisation process.

In addition, the Surgical Department emphasizes individuality and communication with the patient. They strive to provide all patients with maximum care and support throughout the entire process from admission to discharge.

3. Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department

The Jičín Hospital houses the modernly equipped 3rd Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department, which provides comprehensive care for women in the field of gynaecology and obstetrics. The department has the latest diagnostic equipment and technologies, such as ultrasound equipment and a colposcope for cervical imaging. In addition to regular outpatient and inpatient care, patients can also take advantage of the services of specialists in the field of reproductive medicine, endoscopy or senology. The department also boasts a very low rate of post-operative complications during gynaecological surgery. With regard to the professional approach of the medical staff, individualized approach to patients and modern facilities, the 3rd Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of the Jičín Hospital is one of the most popular destinations for women in Hradec Králové and its surroundings.

4. Pediatrics

Pediatrics is a very important part of hospital care, and Jičín Hospital boasts a high-quality department for young patients. The paediatric department has modern equipment and top experts who provide comprehensive care for children of all ages. In addition to standard medical treatment, the paediatric department at Jičín Hospital also focuses on psychological support for children and their families. Emphasis is placed on an individualized approach to each patient in order to minimize the stress associated with hospitalization. The paediatric ward is therefore an essential part of the overall healthcare spectrum offered by Jičín Hospital.

5. Other specialized departments

The Jičín Hospital boasts other specialised departments that provide patients with comprehensive, high-level care. These include, for example, the departments of cardiology, gastroenterology and neurology. The cardiology department has modern diagnostics and therapeutic procedures for the treatment of heart diseases. The gastroenterology department, on the other hand, specialises in digestive disorders and performs a wide range of endoscopic examinations. The neurology department offers services for patients with neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and stroke. Other specialist departments include oncology or orthopaedics and traumatology. This gives patients the opportunity to choose the right specialty to suit their needs and their desire for optimal health.

Modernization and development of the hospital

Modernization and development of the hospital in Jičín are essential to ensure quality patient care. In recent years, major investments have been made in modern equipment and technology, enabling doctors and nurses to provide even better services. For example, the hospital uses modern diagnostic equipment such as CT scans and MRIs, which help to make diagnoses faster and more accurate. Outpatient clinics are also being developed to provide specialised care in cardiology, pulmonology or neurology. The modernisation plan also includes renovating buildings and improving the comfort of patients' stay. The integration of modern information technology into the treatment process, such as an electronic system for recording hospital records or online consultations between specialist doctors, is also important. With this overall development, Jičín Hospital is becoming one of the most modern facilities of its kind in the region, with the prospect of developing further specialised care for the benefit of patients.

Collaboration with other healthcare facilities

Collaboration with other healthcare facilities is crucial for Jičín Hospital. As a modern healthcare facility, we fully understand that comprehensive patient care does not only involve a visit to our department. That is why we actively engage in cooperation with other hospitals and specialist clinics in order to provide our patients with the highest possible standard of medical treatment.

With each other, we make use of modern technology and expertise. In doing so, we strive to prevent repeat examinations and minimise patients' hospital stays.

An important part of the cooperation are also outpatient clinics, of which Jičín Hospital has a total of seven. These outpatient clinics are operated in cooperation with external specialists and allow us to provide a variety of services in the field of diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Collaboration with other healthcare facilities is important to us and enables us to offer our patients the best possible care.

Personnel and expertise

Personnel and expertise are key factors in the provision of healthcare at Jičín Hospital. Each staff member is carefully selected and must not only have the necessary qualifications, but also the attitude towards patients and the ability to work as part of a team. At the hospital, we focus on the ongoing education of our staff to keep them informed of new medical procedures and technologies. Expertise is a priority for us, because only quality staff can provide patients with the best care and help them manage their health problems in the best possible way.

Quality of care and patient satisfaction

Jicin Hospital prides itself on its excellent quality of care and high level of patient satisfaction. The medical staff is trained, experienced and the central aim is to provide the highest level of care. In addition to modern equipment and technology, the hospital places great emphasis on a human approach. Patients are always professionally and empathetically received, informed about the course of treatment and their needs are fully respected. Thanks to these factors, the hospital has a growing number of satisfied patients who are happy to return and recommend it to their loved ones.

Hospital funding

Funding a hospital is one of the key factors in ensuring quality care and operation of the facility. In the case of the hospital in Jičín, it is a public hospital financed from the state budget. However, the hospital has also allocated several projects to improve its services and facilities for patients. These projects are also financed by private sources such as donations from businessmen or grants from foundations and EU funds. Jičín Hospital strives to be financially transparent and efficient in its management in order to offer the best quality care to its patients.

Future of Jičín Hospital

The future of Jičín Hospital is a very interesting topic that many people are interested in. They are already working on the hospital and trying to modernise it as much as possible. As its location is very strategic, close to the D35 motorway, further investment in its development can be expected. With new technologies and medical equipment, it could become one of the most modern facilities in the region. As the likelihood of disease will continue to rise in the future, it will be necessary to ensure sufficient capacity and quality care for patients. We are confident that Jičín Hospital will continue to fulfill its role as a key healthcare facility and serve the residents of the city and surrounding areas well.

In conclusion, Jičín Hospital plays a very important role in the healthcare sector. Its modern equipment and qualified staff enable it to provide excellent care to patients from all over the region. Furthermore, the hospital's efforts to continuously improve its services and develop new treatment methods should be appreciated. It is thus clearly a key healthcare facility that helps to improve the overall quality of life for patients in Jičín and the surrounding municipalities.


When people say Jičín Hospital, they usually imagine one big construction work where new lives are born and diseases are treated. However, what we often don't know is what resources this hospital uses to run and to be able to provide the best possible care for patients. These resources include such things as quality, state-of-the-art technology and diagnostic equipment, but also a team of medical specialists who work daily to ensure that patients receive the best possible treatment. Another important resource is, of course, funding from various sources - from the state and insurance companies to private sponsors. Other factors are also important, such as staffing and material and technical equipment. Overall, it is undeniable that by using comprehensive resources, the Jičín Hospital has probably one of the highest quality services in its area.

Published: 08. 08. 2023

Category: health

Author: Simona Zábranská

Tags: hospital jicin | hospital in jicin