Discover the secret of the chakras: the key to harmony of energy in your body


Welcome to the article that will deal with the topic of chakras. In many eastern religions and philosophies, it is believed that the entire body of every living creature is continuously imbued with an energy called "prana". This energy permeates our body through channels called "chakras". Each chakra corresponds to a different aspect of our being and is associated with certain organs and emotions. In this article, we will look in more detail at what chakras are and how they can affect our health and mental balance.

What are chakras?

In Hindu and Yogic philosophy, chakras are associated with energy centers in the body. These chakras are connected to the life energy, called prana, which according to these teachings flows through the body and affects a person's mental and physical health. Chakras are found throughout the body, but the most important are the seven main ones located from the root of the spine to the crown of the head. Each of these chakras has a specific function and is associated with certain organs and emotions. Their harmony, along with regular meditation and yoga practice, can lead to better mental and physical health.

History of the Chakras

The history of chakras dates back to ancient India, where chakras appear in Hindu philosophy. Among the earliest writers to deal with the subject was Patanjali in his works on yoga. Chakras were described as energy centers in the body associated with various emotions and physical areas. These energy points were connected by energies called nadis.

In 1918, British anthropologist Sir John Woodroffe (also known as Arthur Avalon) brought the concept of chakras to the Western world with the publication of "The Serpent Power". Here he described the seven main chakras that are now most widely known and used in practices such as yoga and meditation.

Today, chakras are still a very interesting topic for many people around the world who are seeking balance and harmony in their lives. Different practices can be found from yoga and meditation to special chakra massages or various therapeutic methods of energy fields.

Seven main chakras

The seven main chakras are the energy centers in the body that affect our mental and physical health. These chakras are located along the length of the spine and are connected to the organs, glands and nervous system. Each of the chakras has a specific effect on our body and the energy in our body. The first chakra is located in the tailbone area and deals with providing for physical needs, the second chakra is located in the abdomen and is related to emotions, the third chakra is located above the navel and focuses on personal development. The fourth chakra is the heart, the fifth is the throat and communication, the sixth chakra is the third eye and supports intuition, and the seventh is the crown of the head connecting us to the spiritual dimension. It is important to maintain a balance between the chakras for proper energy flow in the body and overall health and well-being.

Importance of each chakra

The chakras are important energy points in the body that are associated with various functions and areas of our lives. Each chakra has a specific place in the body and is responsible for a particular area of mental and physical health.

The first chakra, called the root chakra, is located at the end of the spine and is associated with a sense of security, stability and connection to the earth. The second chakra, the sacral chakra, is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with passion and creativity. The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, is located above the navel and affects our self-esteem and personality. The fourth chakra is the heart chakra and is located in the heart area. It affects our perception of love, harmony and balance. The fifth chakra, the throat chakra, is located in the neck and communication area. The sixth chakra, the third eye or ajna, is located between the eyebrows and affects intuition and inner vision. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra located on the top of the head. This chakra influences mental state, spirituality and connection to higher consciousness.

Proper chakra function ensures the body's energy levels are in harmony and aids in overall physical and mental health. It is important to keep the chakras open and balanced for optimal well-being and life energy.

How to keep the chakras in balance

Every person has seven main chakras that ensure the smooth flow of energy in the body. If these chakras are in balance, then we feel balanced and full of energy. On the other hand, if they are disturbed, it can lead to physical and emotional problems.

There are many ways to keep your chakras in harmony. Meditation is one way to connect with your inner self and help release blocked energy channels. The practice of yoga also helps to stimulate energy centers and release energy throughout the body.

Right diet and lifestyle also play an important role in keeping the chakras in balance. A healthy diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals promotes cell renewal and supports optimal function of the organs associated with each individual chakra.

Another way to keep your chakras in harmony is to practice breathing techniques regularly. This helps to balance the breathing and provides calm and clarity for the mind and body.

In short, keeping your chakras in balance is key to your overall health and well-being. It is important to find the methods that work best for you and practice them regularly to maintain optimal energy throughout the body.

Techniques for Chakra Balancing

Techniques for balancing the chakras are key to maintaining balance in our bodies. One of the most popular techniques is meditation, which helps to calm the mind and strengthen the connection between body and spirit. Another important technique is yoga, which not only strengthens the muscles but also increases flexibility and helps the circulation of energy in the body. Massages are another great method for releasing blocked chakras and stimulating energy flow. Also, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help in harmonizing the chakra system. The combination of these techniques can lead to an overall improvement in physical and mental health.

Influence of Chakras on Physical and Emotional Health

The chakras are energy centers in our body that affect both physical and emotional health. Each chakra has specific tasks and functions - for example, the root chakra affects stability, the second chakra focuses on sexual energy and creativity, and so on. When our chakras are balanced and harmonious, we feel generally well and can cope better with different life situations. Conversely, if the chakras are blocked or overloaded with negative emotions, this can manifest as headaches or body aches, insomnia or depression, for example. Therefore, it is important to take care of your chakras through meditation, yoga or other relaxation techniques to maintain balance in the body and mind.

How do you know if your chakras are blocked?

The chakras are energy centers in the body that affect our physical and mental well-being. If the chakras are blocked, it can lead to various ailments and diseases. How to know if the chakras are blocked? There are several signs that may indicate a problem in that area:

- Physical discomfort: a chakra blockage can manifest in a variety of ways. For example, a headache or neck pain may indicate a blockage of the crown chakra (sahasrara). Abdominal pain or digestive problems may then be related to a blockade of the solar plexus (manipura).

- Emotional instability: the absence of emotional stability is also one of the symptoms of blocked chakras. This can trigger depression, anxiety and other psychological problems.

- Behavioral changes: When a person has a blocked so-called root center (muladhara), he or she may become irritable or nervous, and this is reflected in his or her behavior.

All in all, chakra blockage has a profound effect on our body and mind. If you observe the above symptoms, it is important to take a closer look at the subject of the chakras and seek help from professionals if necessary.

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is a technique that helps to restore and maintain the balance of energies in the body. According to the proponents of this method, there are seven main chakras, which are located in different parts of the body and are connected to different aspects of our lives. Chakra healing works with the energies in these centers through various methods such as meditation, massage or acupuncture. The goal of chakra healing is to remove blockages and disturbances in the flow of energy in the body, thus helping to restore mental and physical health. Many people testify to the positive effects of this method on the overall health of their body.

In conclusion, chakras are an important element of energy in the body that affects our physical and mental health. Proper functioning of chakras is necessary for maintaining balance in the body and spiral development of an individual. There are many ways to work with and harmonize the chakras, such as meditation, yoga or other energy work techniques. It is important to remember that our thoughts and emotions have a great influence on the state of the chakras and their harmony. Therefore, we should make sure to take care of our psyche and maintain a positive mindset.


For human beings, the sources of energy are not only food and liquids, but also the energy of the inner body. This energy is associated with the so-called chakras, which are energy centres in the body. There are seven main chakras, which are located from the root chakra in the rectum to the crown chakra at the top of the head. Each of these chakras has a specific effect on the body and mind, and each requires the correct flow of energy to maintain a harmonious state of the body. Meditation, yoga and various breathing techniques are important sources of this energy. It is also important to have a balanced diet, exercise and sleep, which all have an effect on the opening or closing of each chakra. A proper flow of energy in the body brings a sense of peace, harmony and overall well-being, so it is important to take care of your chakras through various techniques and exercises.

Published: 10. 08. 2023

Category: health

Author: Simona Zábranská

Tags: Chakras | energy in the body